Hi there, I'm Artem!

Projects on Github/Heroku:

  • Convertor App — There I have fun with Angular2/TS. The loading in a browser takes some seconds due of Heroku's sleeping mode.
  • Web RTC video chat — peer to peer video chat, based on HTML5, WebRTC API. Cool project which includes backend with Node.js and Firebase. The development of app is stopped for a while.
  • ActivityMatch — Android SDK application which finds different activities nearby for you. This app is developed as the practical work of Software engineering course at EPFL. Activity match is a group project. It is worthy of note that we covered application by unit tests.
  • Eyesight — C# winform desktop application. It is a small app which I wrote inspired idea to take care about eyesight.

Programming languages, technologies, frameworks:

  • Most experienced: Javascript, Node.js (Express/Socket), Git, CSS/SCSS, HTML
  • Some experience: Angular2/TS, Charts.js, Firebase, Web RTC, Grunt.js, Webpack, Java, Android SDK, Oracle SQL
  • Tourist: Angular 1, Karma, Jasmine, JUnit, C# winforms, Assembler NIOS II, VHDL
  • Interested: ELM, Vue.js


  • Russian Native
  • English Advanced
  • French Pre-Intermediate